This is the work that i do when I go on location with reenactors. I needed to get the right shots of the reenactors while they were in the water, so I got in the water and mud. The days was about 5 hours and very wet. The reenactors like me more after a day like this. I paid them with copies of the final prints, they were willing to accept this payment. |
 When the war was not going well in the northwest territory, Clark, a savvy Caroline county native with some frontier military experience in Kentucky, got an audience with governor Patrick Henry, a secret meeting in Williamsburg, Virginia. Henry also met secretly with close associates and finally provided Clark with money to form an expedition to the Ohio valley to protect the settlers from Indians but more from the English.. Clark was an excellent choice for the subject of a painting. This is the secret Patrick Henry document. |

This is one the first sketches I did of the scene from my concept of the soldiers. It is very dark, the figures coming out of the water and darkness--into the light. This is whatthe client approved and what i used to pose the reenactors, we referred to this throuought the day. |

After I had all my reference photography completed, i assembled the figures into this image. Very time consuming process and was necessary in order to make this piece successful in the large painting. Of course I changed some of the figures as i went along, including taking another set of reference photos with 2 more reenactors--yes in the water again. |